Board of Directors

Your current LakeLand Village Board of Directors (June 2022 to June 2023) are as follows. The year shown in ( ) is the year the directors term expires. If you wish to contact a board member, please call LakeLand Village Community Club at 360-275-3508.

  • James Byrne, President, Architectural Control Committee Chair(ACC) (2027)
  • Mark Murray, Vice President (2027)
  • Sylvia Banzon, Secretary/Treasurer, Budget Committee Chair(2026)
  • Don Huibregtse, Compliance Specialist, Patrol Officer (2027)
  • Clint Fretz,  (2026)
  • Maureen Allen, Hearing Committee Chair (2025)
  • Micah Loucks (2025)
  • E. Scott Horsfall, Lake Management Committee Chair (2026)
  • Deb Wallace, Safety Committee Chair (2025)